Sunday, May 4, 2014

Final Presentation

 After a semesters worth of work, it all came down to one day. I was overall pleased with the comments the critics left me with. They gave me a lot to think about for what I could have done with my project and what I can do in the future.

Conceptual understanding of the Columbarium to better help my design serve the user

Site Plan Strategy, looking at the patterns of living of the 'people' of Uruguay who 
occupy the site immediate the Columbarium

More conceptual work, close up strategy of block that inspired forms of the addition,  diagrams showing guidelines of creation of forms, and concept showing the breakdown of the columbarium creating the forms

Final Model Pictures

Cast Sectional Model showing spatial relations of addition to the Columbarium

Sectional Perspective showing bridge relation to the Columbarium

Perspective showing contemplative space and perforated brick wall which allows in evening light

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Extraordinary Drawings [ First Attempt ]

First go at an extraordinary drawing that speaks about a specific quality of my addition to the columbarium.

The drawing is a section perspective that is meant to show the special view of the columbarium from the entrance carved into the fragments of the addition. The drawing also shows the spatial qualities of the fragments along with the carved space below.

Although I believe the drawing worked in some regards, I am not pleased with it entirely and will end up re doing it for the final in a few weeks

Monday, April 7, 2014

Extraordinary Drawing Inspiration

To show spacial qualities of each of my buildings in relation to the columbarium, I want to make a section perspective that has collage aspects to it

Here are some drawings I would like to draw inspiration from

Last semester I collaged a perspective for my visual arts center (below) so I would again like to incorporate this into the extraordinary drawing

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What I explored was the position of the pieces I have created and some more possibilities that were brought up in the critique yesterday.
The first deals with the idea of keeping the pieces horizontal to match the diagram I have of the columbarium. What I see with this is that the pieces now start to line up better with the columbarium. Also the horizontal pieces deal with the pedestrian path from the side and by shifting the bottom piece it creates and entrance from the bottom
The second attempts to keep the vertical pieces but work better with the issues of movement brought up yesterday. I also rearranged the pieces to create different spaces

From here I want to explore cutting the voids out. I think that I should try to translate the void of the columbarium more literally

Monday, March 31, 2014

Mid Point Critique






The overall feedback from the critics seemed positive, but as always there is room for improvement. Their general thoughts were:

  • the module concept was working but more scrutiny needed to be put towards their shape and how I found them ( just drawing lines through streets was not enough reason)
  • they advised that I look even farther beyond the immediate area surrounding the columbarium, that I look for greater patterns in the system of houses in the slums
  • they also saw problems with my spaces in section which I agreed with, the building wants to have two floors so the open spaces don't become so massive, also so more families can store boxes of their loved ones
  • another thing that I want to explore that wasn't mentioned in the review was the possibility of skylights in the spaces

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Stitching, Cutting, and Weaving

Looking at the weaving and cutting part of the assignment as part of the site and the form intertwined

For the first part, I used the same stitching pattern weaving together. I isolated two different line patterns and colors to use as a guide to the weaving of the pattern

In this folding, I saw the pieces of the voids as the form intersecting the landscape. Cutting through ground and weaving back up

In this weaving, I combined two of the stitching patterns together. As I created this one, to me it became a diagram for the site and the movement  of visitors to and from the form

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fabric Research

In preparation for he final part of our three part project, I have been doing some research on different types of fabric, specifically South American styles and what I have observed has very influencing



From what I have seen through this research, in terms of color, it is vibrant and eye catching. Many pure colors that contrast and play of of each other.
The patterns are very geometric, going horizontal along the fabric and including triangles and diamonds that play off each other through the horizontal lines that run across the fabric